Award-winning author, presenter, and study leader
Gregg Clemmer
A Turn for Home (Reviews from Amazon.com)
"This book seamlessly intertwines various historical events and periods and makes the reader really feel as though they are living in that particular era with the descriptive, engaging, and informative way the book was written. Some historical novels awkwardly switch gears between different time periods but Clemmer's transitions are aptly
timed and keep you on the edge of your seat. An interesting, informative​
and heart-warming read. Highly recommended for history buffs and
non-history buffs alike!"
* * * * *
"I love reading historical fiction and especially when it is centered around the Civil War. Mr. Clemmer's book is so well written. He is a master at describing events and writing dialogue. I love the way he weaves the story through several generations combining fact and fiction. He really engages the reader and makes him/her think about where the story is going.
This is a book not to be missed by anyone who loves a good story and especially those who appreciate excellent writing."
* * * * *
"Picked up this book on impulse after speaking with the author at a book fair at the 150th Commemoration of the Battle of Gettysburg. Mr. Clemmer was an articulate, sharp witted individual--well informed on the 19th-20th Century American history.What can I say that the other reviewers haven't already stated? Mr. Clemmer wrote a damn good story. There's a
long cold winter on the way. I cannot think of a better excuse to stay indoors, in a comfy chair by a warm fireplace, and read this book."
* * * * *
"Gregg Clemmer does a masterful job in weaving history together. I could not put this book down and read it in one day. Clemmer combines Civil War history, horse racing, and the
Vietnam War seamlessly. He introduced historical characters to the plot in believable ways. The plot also kept me guessing about what would happen. I hope there is a sequel."
* * * * *
"Traveling through time with Dr. Charlie Harrison afforded me a glimpse of history that became 'real' in my mind's eye -- the powerful emotions of individuals in crisis, the horrors of war, the impact of the power of love, the importance of faith and 'belief,' and so many more facets of the human condition rang true in this historical fiction novel. I found myself not wanting to finish this book because I knew that Charlie's life would finally 'turn for home.' But my curiosity was continually spurred (like that of #12) searching for answers to Charlie's life's puzzle. Those puzzle pieces were skillfully fitted together by the author in the conclusion of the novel. A GREAT READ!."
Old Alleghany: The Life and Wars of General Ed Johnson
Clemmer leaves no stone unturned, and I must applaud his efforts for taking the time
to dig through the National Archives and a few other caches of Johnson’s personal letters
to compile a most well-rounded portrayal. I also would like to mention the inclusion of
maps, photos and illustrations that provide occasional breaks and complement the editorial
pages of the text.
As a validation of his efforts, Clemmer’s book received the 2005 Douglas Southall Freeman
History Award, a citation that, in my opinion, is well deserved. Honestly, this is one of the
longest studies I have ever read on a single individual, but it is also one of the most thoroughly composed biographies that I have ever seen--in any genre.
Review by Michael Aubrecht
The Fredericksburg Free Lance-Star
* * * * *
Old Alleghany: The Life and Wars of General Ed Johnson is well worth the many hours required to read this superb biography by Clemmer. This volume will be a treasured addition to bookshelves of Southerners wishing to acquaint themselves with all facets of Confederate history. Major General Ed Johnson exemplifies the men and women of our beloved Confederacy, whom we Southern Confederates of today hold in sincere reverence and fond remembrance.
Review by Ann Rives Zappa
Confederate Veteran
* * * * *
The question printed on the dust jacket repeats the one asked by many readers: “Who the H#** was Old Alleghany?” More importantly, why is a book the size of an encyclopedia dedicated to him?
After reading of Johnson’s loss to history, one would expect little information on which to base a book, let alone a massive biography whose size is often reserved for only the most senior of officers. But Gregg S. Clemmer has done it. Clemmer amassed an enormous amount of research on Johnson from the papers of those who knew him. He has filled in many of the gaps with overall assessments and stories of the times.
But, if you can hang on and read this massive biography, you will be rewarded. This is an excellent work of scholarship. Clemmer has shown that thorough research produces a wealth of information. Old Alleghany's body may have been lost, but his service to the South will at least be remembered.
Review by John S. Benson
The Civil War Times

Valor in Gray
Gregg Clemmer has investigated, developed, and written the story of each recipient, fleshing out the application and citation with a narrative of the justifying action and picture of the individual. While many of the recipients are well known, others are comparatively little known and their inclusion here gives belated recognition to their great service to their country. Over a century after their stories drifted off into the mists of history, the resurrected accounts of these brave heroes will still stir your blood.
Review by Ralph Green
Southern Partisan Magazine
* * * * *
Mr. Clemmer’s book captures the tone and tint of the times, using the words of the men who were there to tell their stories.
Review by Wesley Pruden
The Washington Times

Compelling and truly unusual books appear all too infrequently among the glut and babble of Civil War literature. Gregg S. Clemmer’s new book, Valor in Gray: The Recipients of the Confederate Medal of Honor, is the happy exception.
Review by John Robbins
Fredericksburg Free-Lance Star
* * * * *
Gregg is so well versed and a pleasure to have as a tour guide. Full of good information, very knowledgeable and personable.
Wonderful stories, great speaker.
Gregg has great details and stories regarding the sites we visited, as well as being helpful in many ways to understand and interpret the information. I enjoyed his commentary and explanations.
Gregg is fabulous! He is so knowledgeable and tells things in ways that are easy to understand. I took four tours that he is leading because I know they will be fun, interesting, and we will learn.
Gregg is a treat – very clear in his discussions. He makes things easy to understand for those of us who are not Civil War scholars.
Loved Gregg’s use of primary sources when reading from letters and other first-person accounts. I also appreciated his research and scholarship – and his great interaction with the guests. His passion for the subject was obvious, and a great help to us in our understanding.
Great knowledge; made me think. Very passionate about the subject. Loved his personal touch and questions.